As I mentioned last week, we're going to have the first ever Natural Dog Training conference call on Wednesday, June 10 with Kevin Behan. Call time is 8pm EST (Eastern). Kevin and I will be talking about "What's Natural about Natural Dog Training?" - and then we'll be taking questions. Depending on how many questions there are, there might be some time for follow-up questions on the call as well. This is a chance for you to hear some of the latest Natural Dog Training ideas, and to have your most pressing questions addressed by Kevin and/or me live on the call.
The call is completely free - as long as you have a decent long distance dialing plan (the call-in number is NOT toll-free). There's limited space available, so if you'd like to get on the call, drop me an e-mail: neil at naturaldogblog dot com. I'll e-mail dial-in details to you. Also, if there are questions that you'd like to have addressed, please ALSO e-mail them to me. I will moderate the first round of questions for the call, and then we'll be opening up the floor for follow-ups.
If all goes well, there will be more calls. Please come be a part of our little experiment, the first ever Natural Dog Training conference call. Wednesday June 10, at 8pm EST. See you there!